perl -MDebian::Apt::PM -MList::MoreUtils=uniq -MYAML -MApp::Cache -MCPAN -le '$a=shift @ARGV or die; $p=Debian::Apt::PM->new(); $c=App::Cache->new(); do { local *STDOUT; $r = join "\n", grep { not $p->find($_) } grep { CPAN::Shell->expand("Module", $_) } uniq map { s/-/::/g; $_ } map { $_->{"name"} } map { eval { Load($_) } || {} } map { $c->get_url("".substr($a,0,1)."/".substr($a,0,2)."/$a/$_") } map { map { $_ =~ /\.meta$/ ? $_ : () } @{$_} } CPAN::Shell->expand("Author", $a)->ls;}; print $r;' GAAS
A little more readable version:
use Debian::Apt::PM; use List::MoreUtils 'uniq'; use YAML; use App::Cache; use CPAN; $a=shift @ARGV or die; $p=Debian::Apt::PM->new(); $c=App::Cache->new(); do { local *STDOUT; $r = join "\n", grep { not $p->find($_) } grep { CPAN::Shell->expand("Module", $_) } uniq map { s/-/::/g; $_ } map { $_->{"name"} } map { eval { Load($_) } || {} } map { $c->get_url("".substr($a,0,1)."/".substr($a,0,2)."/$a/$_") } map { map { $_ =~ /\.meta$/ ? $_ : () } @{$_} } CPAN::Shell->expand("Author", $a)->ls ; }; print $r;
It prints out CPAN modules from author id that are not packaged in Debian. Will work for 99% of cases. Only problem are the distributions that have "custom" names, like libwww-perl, as the package name is created from the distribution name that is read from .meta files.