- everyone is sleeping, ignorant
- we are all asses, idiots, fools, monkeys
- we are sick, self-serving
- we all live a mechanical, unaware life
- we resist waking up, resist change - it's painful
- we love our ideas/projections of people - not people
- our relationships are all utilitarian
- our reality is distorted by our own feelings, ideas
- we identify with our ego, our materialism, our wants
- we have blocks to awareness like:
- we focus on what we lack, what we don't have
- we are driven for fame, power, money
- we fear loss of the known
- we are dependent on others, ideas, opinions, things or people
- we are unwilling to listen to ourselves
- we have aversion to pain, to the truth
- we run away when confronted with truth
- we think our desires, motives, society is real
- we create false bridges or attempts to cross over (false ways to pursue happiness, truth, reality etc)
- we are socially conditioned, brainwashed
- our standards are social norms & conditioning
- reality is what social conditioning we believe
- we suffer
- renouncing things and that makes us stuck to them
- fighting with the darkness
- accepting only confirming opinions
- refusing to see, to understand in order to suppress the pain of change
- in a rush all the time to minimize the chance to stop, see and understand
- enjoying organized business to distract and entertain us
- we have problems in our wery own minds
- demanding others to live their lives according to our taste
- we demand approval, appreciation, attention, success, power, support, valuation
- terrified by criticism
- dependent on others to be happy or sad
- we are with inner self conflict all the time
- choose awareness: we change when we begin to understand, become aware
- observer & listen to self with detachment, without motive, without care, want, need, manipulation
- observer to understand who we're being & doing
- understand we may have false beliefs
- understand we have self-serving elements in everything we do (think, say, act)
- be ready to learn
- stop caring about success, failure, hapiness, money, fame, honor, status
- drop our judgements, opinions, illusions, pretensions, focusing on wants, problems, desire, concepts, ideology, negative feelings, solid attitude
- embrace a reality we may not have understood before
- be ready to be challenged
- unlearn our social conditioning
- stop fixing others, stop trying to change others
- allow tension, suffering, anxiety to pass through us
- die to self, lose self
- read scripture
- suffer enough
- learn to enjoy life without single word of appreciation, without the option to res the head on someone elses shoulder for support
- stop emotional dependecies and relations
- surrender to love, allow love to have us
- no violence
- cope with inner conflict, hatred first
- stop making people good
- return love for hate
- include excluded
- admit that we are wrong
- don't do anything - understand
- don't avoid people who create bad feelings in us
- don't posses things
- be free and let other be free as well
- don't try hard - relax
- stop searching and doing things just to make us feel that we are better then the others
- see the wonder of everyday
- identify with our true self
- tell our best friends that we don't need them, set them free
- stop travelling - arrive
- stop adoration - be doubtful
- have golden heart
- be free
- enjoy work, play, laughter, the company of people, pleasure of senses and mind
- enlightenment, understanding
- awareness (brings change & transformation)
- happiness (result of awareness)
- love (we become fearless)
- God (we find God)
- truth
- steadiness (harmony-unaffected by people, ideas, opinions, no-one can hurt or harm us anymore - no-one has power to disturb or control us anymore)
- new reality (we are in touch with true reality)
- we feel beauty of human existence
- the world is fine
- freedom
- joy
- we are true humans
- we are still asses, idiots, fools while we still feel bad or depressed, but it's the part of the reality and harmony of the world