Just created meon-web-mail2timeline-entry script that will take email and turn it into the blog post like this one simply by sending email. It support picture, sent as attachments, creates thumbnail from the first one. All other (non-image) attachments will be listed below the post. https://github.com/meon/meon-Web/blob/master/script/meon-web-mail2timeline-entry
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Path::Class qw(dir file); use meon::Web::Config; use meon::Web::env; use Email::MIME; use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail); use XML::Chain qw(xc); use DateTime; use String::Ident; use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape); use Imager; use List::Util qw(min); use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); use File::Basename qw(basename); use DateTime::Format::Mail; use Run::Env; use 5.010; exit main(); sub main { my $help; my $dst_domain; my $notify_email; my $author; GetOptions( 'help|h' => \$help, 'hostname=s' => \$dst_domain, 'notify=s' => \$notify_email, 'author=s' => \$author, ) or pod2usage; pod2usage if $help; pod2usage unless defined $dst_domain; my $email_txt = do {local $/; <>;}; my $email = Email::MIME->new($email_txt); my ($from) = Email::Address->parse($email->header_obj->header('From')); die 'no sender' unless $from; my ($to) = Email::Address->parse($email->header_obj->header('To')); my $reply_from_email = $to // meon::Web::Config->get->{main}->{'no-reply-email'}; my @to_notify = uniq map {defined($_) ? $_ : ()} ($notify_email, $from->address); my $subject = $email->header_obj->header('Subject'); die 'no subject' unless $subject; my $date_str = $email->header_obj->header('Date'); my $sent_dt; if ($date_str) { $sent_dt = eval {DateTime::Format::Mail->parse_datetime($date_str)}; } $sent_dt //= DateTime->now(); $sent_dt->set_time_zone('UTC'); my $ident = String::Ident->cleanup($subject); my $hostname_folder = meon::Web::Config->hostname_to_folder($dst_domain); my $dst_hostname_dir = dir(meon::Web::SPc->srvdir, 'www', 'meon-web', $hostname_folder, 'content',); die 'no such hostname ' . $dst_domain unless $hostname_folder; my ($year, $month) = ($sent_dt->year, $sent_dt->strftime('%m')); my $dst_dir = $dst_hostname_dir->subdir($year, $month); $dst_dir->mkpath() unless (-d $dst_dir); my $year_idx = $dst_dir->parent->file('index.xml'); my $month_idx = $dst_dir->file('index.xml'); $year_idx->spew(year_index()) unless (-f $year_idx); $month_idx->spew(month_index()) unless (-f $month_idx); my $assets_dir = $dst_dir->subdir($ident); my $dst_file = $dst_dir->file($ident . '.xml'); my $entry = xc(xml_template())->set_io_any($dst_file); $entry->find('//w:title')->empty->t($subject); $entry->find('//w:created')->empty->t($sent_dt); $entry->find('//w:author')->empty->t($author // $from->name // 'anonymous'); my $content_el = $entry->find('//xhtml:div[@id="main-content"]')->empty; my $main_img_el = $entry->find('//xhtml:img[@id="main-image"]'); my $img_thumb_el = $entry->find('//w:img-thumb')->empty; my @images; my $attach_ul_el = $entry->find('//xhtml:div[@id="attachments"]/xhtml:ul'); my $has_attachments = 0; my $img_div = $content_el->find('//xhtml:div[@id="images-list"]'); foreach my $part ($email->parts) { my $mime_type = $part->content_type; my $body = $part->body; my $filename = $part->filename; if ($mime_type =~ m{^text/plain}i) { $body =~ s/^\s+//; $body =~ s/\s+$//; $content_el->a(xc('p')->t($body))->t("\n") if (length($body)); } elsif ($mime_type =~ m{^text/html}i) { # skip for now } if ($filename) { $has_attachments = 1; $assets_dir->mkpath unless -d $assets_dir; my $file = $assets_dir->file($filename); $file->spew($body); my $href = $ident . '/' . uri_escape($filename); if ($mime_type =~ m{^image/}) { push( @images, { src => $href, file => $file, } ); } else { $attach_ul_el->c('li')->c('a', 'href' => $href)->t($mime_type); $attach_ul_el->t("\n"); } } } if (@images) { my $first_image_file = $images[0]->{file}; if (my $img = Imager->new(file => $first_image_file)) { my $thumb_file = $first_image_file; if ($first_image_file->basename =~ m/.([.][^\s]+)$/) { $thumb_file = substr($thumb_file, 0, length($thumb_file) - length($1)) . '-thumb' . $1; } else { $thumb_file = $thumb_file . '-t'; } my $min_size = min($img->getwidth, $img->getheight); $img = $img->crop(left => 0, top => 0, right => $min_size, bottom => $min_size) ->scale(xpixels => 250, qtype => 'mixing'); $img->write(file => $thumb_file); $img_thumb_el->t(uri_escape(basename($thumb_file))); } else { $img_thumb_el->rm; } if ($content_el->children->count) { my $img = shift(@images); $main_img_el->attr(src => $img->{src}); } else { $main_img_el->rm; } foreach my $img (@images) { $img_div->a('img', src => $img->{src})->t("\n"); } } else { $img_thumb_el->rm; $main_img_el->rm; $img_div->rm; } unless ($has_attachments) { $attach_ul_el->parent->rm; } $entry->store; foreach my $to_email (@to_notify) { my @attachments; my @email_headers = ( header_str => [ From => $reply_from_email, To => $to_email, Subject => 'new post on ' . $dst_domain, ], ); my @email_text = ( attributes => { content_type => "text/plain", charset => "UTF-8", encoding => "8bit", }, body_str => 'new post processed and available under http://' . $dst_domain . '/' . file($year, $month, $ident) . "\n", ); my $email = Email::MIME->create(@email_headers, @email_text,); if (Run::Env->prod) { sendmail($email, {to => $to_email, from => $reply_from_email}); } else { my $email_string = $email->as_string; my $i = 0; for (@attachments) { $i++; $email_string .= "\nAttachment $i: " . $_; } warn $email_string; } } return 0; } sub xml_template { return XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => <<'__XML_TEMPLATE__'); <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns="http://web.meon.eu/" xmlns:w="http://web.meon.eu/"> <meta> <title>__FIXME__</title> </meta> <content><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <w:timeline-entry category="news"> <w:created>__FIXME__</w:created> <w:author>__FIXME__</w:author> <w:title>__FIXME__</w:title> <w:img-thumb>__FIXME__</w:img-thumb> <w:text> <img id="main-image" src="__FIXME__/__FIXME__.jpg" style="float:right; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; max-width: 33%;"/> <div id="main-content" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="white-space: pre-wrap"> __FIXME__ </div> <div id="attachments"> <ul> </ul> </div> <div id="images-list"> </div> </w:text> </w:timeline-entry> </div></content> </page> __XML_TEMPLATE__ } sub year_index { return << '__YEAR_INDEX__'; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns="http://web.meon.eu/" xmlns:w="http://web.meon.eu/"> <meta><redirect>{$TIMELINE_NEWEST}/</redirect></meta> <content><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> </div></content> </page> __YEAR_INDEX__ } sub month_index { return << '__MONTH_INDEX__'; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns="http://web.meon.eu/" xmlns:w="http://web.meon.eu/"> <content><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <w:timeline/> </div></content> </page> __MONTH_INDEX__ } =head1 NAME meon-web-mail2blog - parse email and create timeline entries out of it =head1 SYNOPSIS meon-web-mail2timeline-entry --hostname domain --hostname domain where to store timeline entries --notify email (opt.) send notification about new submissions --author name (opt.) set author, otherwise taken from email name =head1 DESCRIPTION =cut
0.04 Thu 28 May 11:29:07 CEST 2015 - namespace change for Catalyst-Authentication-Store-UserXML - add meon-web-mail2timeline-entry script 0.03 2015-05-20 - replace smartmatch and given/when - support for dynamic products and categories - using_frontend_proxy on as default - timeline fixes - allow including of other xml files - external authentication - support for virtual (non local storage) users - member has gender 0.02 2014-10-28 21:14 - bootstrap example - and more... 0.01 2012-10-26 18:55:27 - initial version