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2017-10-21T18:28:00 by jozef

9x DS18B20

Reading temperature and addresses of DB18B20 sensors, all connected to pin 8 on ATmega328.  

2017-10-19T06:09:18 by Jozef TechSocialMeet 2017-10-18


2017-10-16T20:33:03 by jozef

Injelititis or Palsied Paralysis

Here are my notes from book Parkinson's Law, or the Pursuit of Progress by C. Northcote Parkinson  

2017-10-14T21:32:03 by jozef

insert into when not exists sql

Example SQL insert into with an exists condition.  

2017-10-08T21:29:04 by Jozef

Make: robots++ not war!


2017-10-06T22:38:51 by jozef

It's not a bug in gravity.

Here are my notes from book Irresistible APIs: Designing web APIs that developers will love by Kirsten L. Hunter … 

2017-10-06T17:20:50 by Jozef

reusing Kindle battery