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2022-12-26T17:48:00 by jozef

Discussing artificial with artificial smartass.

Had a pretty good philosophical discussions with GPT OpenAI chat bot about it's claim to be feeling and e… 

2022-12-18T17:20:00 by jozef

The idea of the future pregnant with an infinity of possibilities.

Speed-read this book titled "Four Thousand Weeks" by Oliver Burkeman and found couple of interesting thoughts in there. Here the notes… 

2022-12-10T19:59:00 by jozef

You sell feelings. Period.

Time ago I've read two NLP books. Here couple interesting notes from them. NLP or "Neuro-linguistic programming" is classified as pseu… 

2022-12-01T19:48:00 by jozef

Notes from The Buzan Study Skills Handbook

Here are my notes from book "The Buzan Study Skills Handbook" by Tony Buzan in a form of mindmap because this is what he actually teac…